face full of arrows
it was a pretty enjoyable game. a little unbalanced in some places to say the least, but still fun. rather then rant about how it was too hard in places I'll offer my protips on how to not suck at this game.
the first problem I see people complain about is the fact that you get overwhelmed. seeing as this is a game about one man facing overwhelming odds to defeat the demons I kinda don't see the point of this complaint.
Pro Tip: if your being overwhelmed, even the odds! raise undead is a handy spell in the way that they don't die too fast and most of the time they keep demons off you while dealing in some damage.
next complaint. oh noes! there are too many archer demons shooting at meh!
Pro Tip 1: kill them... they only have between 50 and 75 hp. that's a shot or too.
Pro Tip 2: move and cover. when you get close to them they run, so oviously they arn't shooting at you when they run. you on the other hand can move and shoot. do so. and if theres a hill, hide below/behind it. you'll only get hit once in a while.
the big scary demons have too many hit points Q-Q
Pro Tip: use bloat. it kills everything but the last boss in one hit. just shoot them and wait for them to explode (takes a few seconds to kill them but still only one shot)
gates have too many hitpoints Q-Q
PT (I'm getting lazy): shoot it with volcano. that will make it die.
I cant pick up runes without getting swamped.
PT: use a wall or some undead. rock wall is ok, but bone wall works much better. a warning, enemies will keep spawning after you have the wall up so be ready for a large group to be on the other side of that wall.
I dont do enough damage.
PT: if you find the piercing trinket use it! it help with normal bow damage a lot.
the final boss is way too hard.
PT: USE SPLASH ATTACK!!!!!! no seriously, if you stand too close for him to use fire breath and too far for him to use his hammer he normally gets confused and just hits the ground infront of you or starts stomping. play with distance until you find that spot when he cant hit you. then keep shooting and using spells.
that's about it, if anyone gets REALLY REALLY stuck just pm me and I'll tell you what I did.
Good game, 9/10 5/5