pretty good game.
i enjoyed the game and the fact that its a slander campaign, that just makes it more fun. it was pretty simple but it didnt really need to be complex to be enjoyable.
next could you make one about Peta and how they believe in the racial cleansing of domestic animals like dogs and cats and birds? if anyone has any comments/questions on peta and what i mean then PM me or google it.
all in all good game, good message, bad sponsoring organization.
final message, if you want to wear fur then track and kill the animal yourself. dont use any tools you didnt make yourself(ie craft a trap from rocks or carve a bow and some arrows) and then you earn the right to keep the pelt. if the animal kills you then it earns the right to eat you or whatever else it wants to do with you. and please use the whole animal, not just the fur...